Introduction to Flutter

Why Flutter?

In general, It is always challenging to develop a mobile application having beautiful designs, smooth animations and great performance. However, we need to code in two different languages using two different frameworks to develop an application supporting both platforms (iOS and Android). These frameworks always have many disadvantages, one of the main drawback is their slow performance. This is where flutter comes in. Flutter aims to deliver the best of mobile development, performance and platform integrations of native mobile with high velocity development and multi-platform reach and a portable UI toolkits. Flutter's simplicity makes it a good candidate for fast development. Its customisation capability and extendibility empowers it even more.

What is Flutter?

Flutter is Google's mobile UI framework for crafting high-quality native interfaces on iOS and Android with one code base. It is used by developers and organisations around the world, and is free and open source. It also include modern reactive framework, fast 2D rendering engine, development tools and ready-made widgets.

What makes Flutter unique?

Flutter is because one code base, it compiles to native arm code i-e: the machine code for each platform. This enables a fast startup and predictable fast performance. Flutter is different than most other options for building mobile apps because it neither uses WebView nor the OEM widgets that shipped with the device. Instead, Flutter uses its own high performance engine to draw widgets. One of the Flutter's most attractive features is remarkably fast hot reloading. Flutter uses JIT compiler during the development process, reloading and executing code, normally in less than a second.

Why Dart?

Flutter is written in Dart. It provides a responsive style that does not use JavaScript bridge. It is also performant both during active development and in production. It supports Just-In-Time and Ahead-of-Time compilation. Just-In-Time Code is continuously re-compiled directly on the device, allowing Hot-Reload. Ahead-of-Time The code your app uses is compiled directly to native ARM code, leading to fast and excellent development and predictable performance.